Sunday, July 18, 2010

When Chloe lost her dummy forever

Chloe was not a happy camper last night. Not only is she missing her grand-mother A LOT, we decided to throw away all her dummies and it's now time to start sleeping without a dummy.
When it was time to go to bed Fred put her down without her dummy and it wasn't too bad to start. But when Chloe realised what was about to happen, she completely flipped out. For about 3 hours straight, she was absolutely furious, crying, looking towards the door in her room, demanding that someone would come in and give her back her beloved dummy. When that didn't happen she finally fell asleep. She woke up a few time early in the night looking for the dummy but after Fred talked to her and ensuring her that everything was fine, she went back to sleep.

When we removed the dummy for Heidi, she was about the same age as Chloe and it only took about 24 hours before Heidi had gotten used to not depending on the dummy to sleep. We'll see how quickly 'Arnie' will accept the change. :) 


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Arnie and dirty nappies

My mum and Stellan left for Sweden yesterday... Very sad and the girls were asking for them all night long.
After not changing one single dirty nappy in almost a months time, I now have to go back to normal and start doing it again.. Heidi has not shown any signs of being interested in or being ready to start potty-training so I just have to put on a happy face and hold my breath :) I have been very spoiled over the past month - went to Thailand with Amelie on a girls vacation and have rested a lot. It really great to be able to re-charge the batteries once in a while. 

Chloe has grown a lot over the last few weeks and is really tall now and is sitting up all by herself and waves to you if you ask her. She is quite a little personality and is very curious of everything around her. If there is too much going on around her when it's time to eat, Chloe won't eat at all. And when Chloe has a lot of important things to say, which is a lot of the time, she lowers her voice and makes sounds that reminds you of Arnold Schwartzenegger. Hillarious!! So now we nicknamed her 'Arnie'. :)
Bye for now! xxx 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Baptism at St Kierans Catholic church and other stuff

A few weeks ago we baptised the girls at St Kierans Catholic church. To Heidis godparents in Sweden and Spain - you are still Heidis godparents. The girls will just have an additional set of godparents. The more the merrier!
It was a sunny, beautiful day and I was very nervious. Catholisism is not my faith and I had no idea what to expect... and given that Heidi was getting baptised too and everyone knows that it's close to impossible to get a 2 year old to sit down for more than 5 minutes... and yes, I was right - Heidi ran around the church through out the ceremony and did not want the priest to pick her up or even look at her... She went a bit bananas....

Over all it went ok and the lovely godparents Nola, John and Shevoun did a great job and both kids got baptised in the end.

Chloe has started eating solid food now and I swear this is the worst stage in their development. The pureed food just goes everywhere!! Today we tried a bit of pureed pumpkin and Chloe decided it would be great to blow bubbles with it and so she did and we had pumpkin puree all over her, me and the entire kitchen. Lovely!

Heidi speaks more and more and the other day she just started to count to 10 in english, followed by doing the same in french. I must admit, I havent practiced counting all too much so I was a bit surprised. Sad to say she learned it watching tv.
Heidi repeats everything you say now so it's important to watch your language around her so she doesn't pick up anything she shouldn't. :)
We are trying to teach Heidi to be polite and she knows she has to say please and thank you. She also knows to say 'excuse me' but it comes out as 'excuuuufeeeeee'. Very cute!

Bisou from Perth