The kids and I have been sick again... more snotty noses and fevers. I can't wait until winter is over. The days have gotten a bit nicer but it's still very cold at night (somewhere around 5 degrees). Hopefully in a few weeks time it will start to warm up a bit.

Good news! The application for permanent residency has been lodged and now we just have to wait for somewhere between 6-12 months to be approved. Our visa situation has always been a cause of stress everytime Fred changes jobs so this will relief a lot of stress.

Heidi will start daycare tomorrow. 2 days a week to start with. I think it will be great for her. This daycare centre is an Early learning centre which means that once the children turn three they join the '3-year old kindergarten' program with accredited teachers so the days at daycare is structured more in a way similar to what a school would be. Im very excited about this. Not only to get some alone-time with Chloe, it will be good that Chloe gets some attention, but lately its hard to come up with fun activities for us to do everyday. Now Heidi gets to see something new and learn from others.
Back to wipeing snotty noses...
Talk to you soon!
kisses from Perth xx