I am going on 32 weeks now and Im feeling a lot better now. Chloe (the working name we're using for our new baby girl) has turned around and is not 'beating me up' as much anymore. :) I have had a lot of back pains up until now due to her pressing against my spine and all sorts of nervs, but this is all gone. I guess I don't mind her staying in my tummy for bit longer :)
Today, Fred and I took Heidi to the Wild Fairyland Festival at Kings Park. This is an annual event and is organised as part of a big festival to open the park up for spring: http://www.bgpa.wa.gov.au/events-and-bookings/calendar/details/351
Between pouring rain and gazing sun, we had a fun time and Heidi was the cutest little fairy of all in her costume. We must admit that she'll probably get more out of the event next year but she still used up a lot of energy and she slept for the entire afternoon! Wooohoo!! Thats the best!
As you probably know, we've bought a house! We are now in the final stages of financial approval and there are no hickups in sight, knock on wood. As soon as we have received the last documents we'll be able to organise to go inside and take some decent photos to show you. Cant wait! :)
This is all for now and we're sending you lots of love and kisses until next time
The Drouins xx
Hej på er allihop !
Heidis pussar till mig i lördags var min bästa present. Nu står vi här allihop på MAREV och tittar på denna nymodighet som heter blog.
Alla hälsar till er därnere och önskar er lycka till med Chloes nedkomst.
Puss !
/ Pappa
I like the idea of a drouinfamilyblog.....Heidi is so cute in her princess dress!!!!Big kisses to all the family.
She is lovely our litle Heidi, like a fary tale.
This blog is very nice, good work Frida.
Love you all!
Mormor och Babba
Very nice Website my friend ! No comment about your golf picture (du grand drouin....)
Salut mon beau blond !
Carl Gauthier
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