Fred woke up with on Saturday morning with chestpain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and dizzyness. Our first though was: Heartattack!!
We rushed to Royal Perth Hospital and Fred was taken right through and hooked up to all kinds of machines to see what was going on.
It was so horrible and so hard to keep a straight face infront of Heidi!!!
Luckly, all the tests, ultrasound, ECGs etc didn't show any signs of blocked arteries but they found an anomality of his heartrythm that they couldn't explain. Fred will now see his GP for further tests and the doctors suspect that this episode is stress related. We'll know more shortly. The only thing we can say now is: Don't worry, Fred is doing fine despite all of this but has made a few changes to his lifestyle :)
On a happier note, Fred took a day off work this week to take us to the Perth Royal Show.

She got to pat tons of animals and Fred took her on her first big-kid ride: the tea cups!
She absolutely loved it and wasn't too happy when it was over.... So of course, as Fred and I are big suckers, to stop her from crying we took her to win some tivoli-toys and she won a truck and was all happy after that... The kids always win don't they?
Then we went to visit the barnyard animals. Not sure if a dive assisted by dad to pat the little lambs was entirely ok, but Fred and Heidi had fun and no-one made a complaint. :)

Finally, the pregnancy is going well and Chloe is kicking me a lot. She's a lot more active than Heidi ever was when I expected her. What has be quite tough lately is that I have started to sleep really badly ... (and Fred too).. I snore like you wouldn't believe!!!! I have to admit, I've always snored a bit but now I snore like I've been on a drunken bender and haven't slept for a month! I wake myself up all the time cos Im so noicy and can't fall back to sleep. It's really, really bad! For Fred it's obviously bad too. He HAS to fall asleep before me otherwise he won't sleep at all. Only a few more weeks to go and then I won't be getting any sleep at all :)
Oh, I almost forgot - Tantrum of the week :
Fred got a new pushbike the other day and has been taking Heidi on rides around the neighbourhood. Heidi loves to go on rides with her dad and has her own pink bike-helmet.
Since this weekend, Heidi refuses to leave the house without wearing her helmet. She always wears it in the car, when we go to the playground or just hang around the garden. So on Tuesdays it's daycare-day and as usual Heidi refused to leave without her helmet and refused to take it off when we got there. She through a BIG tantrum outside the building and kept crying/yelling for a good few hours, the daycare-teachers told me....
I guess, it could have been a lot worse but Im a bit nervious about what's comming and Im not ready for an early for a preview to the 'terrible two'. :)
We miss you guys!
nice pics :-).
I don't mind what you said about Heidi's caracter, because for myself she is the most gentle little girl.....and I know that Chloe will be too ......ah!ah!!!!
Diane (grand-mother......)
Je vous embrasse tous très fort
I agree with you Diane,
Heidi is just a lovely little girl...
she can´t be anything but genle.....or?
Cathrine (also grand-mother)
look at your hotmail Frida
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