I've been on my own with Heidi and Chloe for the past week and I think we've slowely gotten into a nice little routine. Im still quite soar after the surgery but Heidi has been quite the little helper so it's not too bad.
Chloe will be 6 weeks this week and thing have kind of fallen into place. I feel we have gotten to know each other and Im not entirely clueless as to what she wants when she cries. She has a bit of tummy aches sometimes and Fred and I always have to make sure to burp her a lot after feeds. If not, we always have a looong night ahead of us!
Chloe has started to be more alert and is a good sleeper. She's usually feeding once during the night but when she's asleep, she's the noisiest baby EVER! She's been sleeping in her 'nursery' (i.e our formal dining room) since she was born but we can still hear her! She makes these squeeling and gurgeling sounds and when we check on her she's fast asleep. I tried to keep the baby-monitor on in the beginning but I gave up. We hear her anyway.
Heidi is making great progress too and after my mum was here, Heidi is speaking more and is putting sentenses toghether. Fred is delighted h
That's all for this time
Big kisses
PS. The jumpsuit Chloe is wearing in the pictures was a gift from my swedish friend Moa. And folks, she made it herself! Very talented and clever! Thanks again!!
gosh she's clever that Moa ;) Chloe looks adorable.
They are so cute my little girls. I love them with all my heart.
Cute pics! Nice outfit Moa made :-)!
Dear Frida,
Thank you to send us great pictures of the 2 beauties. Yesterday night we were at "l'Oratoire St-Joseph" for the Midnight Mass ans I saw some grands-parents with their little children...I would like to be like them, but we don't have the choice. (I hope you understand my poor english). Joyeux Noël and a lot of kisses for all the family.
Grand-Maman Diane
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