Fred had to go to Brunai last week but made it back just in time for easter. We hav

en't created any family traditions around easter yet but I have to think of something for next year. I was thinking about doing an easter egg hunt with the girls but they are a bit to little yet.
On Saturday night we were invited to the Beach family for baby Caylas birthday party. We ended up staying until midnight and danced to good 'ole swedish schlager-music. We all had the best time. There

were tons of kids for Heidi to play with and apart from pushing a 1 year old baby over (the baby touch Heidi's red blanket and Heidi flipped), Heidi was nice and played really well and we could relax. Chloe played a bit but once we gave her her dinner-bottle she fell asleep and didn't wake up until the morning :)
The rest of the weekend was just family time. We went to Nola and John's house for brunch on Monday which was really lovely. Heidi loves to go to the Kitis house and she loooves their daughter Ellie. Heidi made Ellie an easter card with feathers and everything. Very cute!

We just got back from the Child development centre to weigh Chloe. She has put on a lot of weight and has those lovely, chubby thighs. I love it! She weight just over 6500g and she seem quite strong and can almost sit up by herself with minimal support. She has started to roll as well and she is grabbing everything she sees. Not long until she crawls :)

We're going to Bali on the 17th and I think the whole family really needs a vacation. Fred has his recontructive knee surgery as soon as we get back so it's good to get back to Perth rested for that.
It just never stops does it?
Frida & Co.