I have never seen anything like this! I know, I am a bit dramatic sometimes b
ut honestly, the girls and I got stuck in the storm driving home from the city and it was like being in the middle of one of those natural disaster movies like '2012'. I was really scared...
So, hales sized big as golfballs were coming down smashing the car from all angles. Rain was pouring down and soon the streets were completely flooded. I had to park at the side of the road and try to get out of the wind so we ended up next to a wall for about 20 minutes until the hales stopped. Good thing we have a big car so I could drive through the w
ater masses without getting stuck. I think the worst driving in the storm wasn't really the wheather, it was the other people driving. People were driving really fast, without lights on and most trafficlights were out so I was just expecting getting hit by another driver at any second.

So, hales sized big as golfballs were coming down smashing the car from all angles. Rain was pouring down and soon the streets were completely flooded. I had to park at the side of the road and try to get out of the wind so we ended up next to a wall for about 20 minutes until the hales stopped. Good thing we have a big car so I could drive through the w

We got home in one piece in the end and the thunder started. Chloe was sleeping through all of this - go figure - and Heidi and I went upstairs to hide away in our bedroom. After a while I hear a noice from downstairs and we head down to the kitchen and we find a 3 m long crack in our kitchen celing and
water is just pouring down! I try to find bucket, pots and pans to put under the leak and I am really freaking out at this stage. Once this was done I sat down on our steps in the lounge room with my head in my hands. Heidi comes up to me and puts her arm around me and kisses me on the head and says 'Sorry mama, it's ok'.

It seems like the insurance will cover the damaged to the house and the car but we're still awaiting a confirmation. Fingers crossed.
Hasta luego

Frida and Co. xx
Vilken tur att det gick bra för er trots allt.
Vilken jättefin familjebild!
Massor av kramar
Mormor o Stellan
The last picture is really great....so nice to see all the family together: mother, father and the 2 little girls....
Bravo to you Frida, you must be proud of you....alone with 2 children in the storm....You will have a great event to say at your children when they will older.
Je vous embrasse tous tendrement,
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