Some days, the reality of the life as a fulltime mom and housewife hits me in the head like a sledgehammer. Every day of my life is mapped out by the childrens naptimes, meals and with a few lovely tantrums to interrupt our daily routine to make it all a bit more interesting.
At the moment my home is my office and I am the office manager. I don't have a job to go to. I can only activate my brain to a level involving playdoe, fingerpaint and my little pony and I need complete authority in my home otherwise I will lose my identity and purpose completely. I need to have control over the situation and have a routine. It's like a safety net and I know - if we stick to it, the day will be pretty good.
Then the weekend comes and daddy is home......
And as fun as it is, adding an additional person and additional will to the equation is not always easy.
The girls and I know that every day we nap at a certain time, we are out the door at at a certain time and we eat at a certain time. We all know what is happening next so we are prepared and can end each day on a happy and balanced note.
On the weekend, now we have another mind to question my dictatorship. A mind I can't put in time-out - eventhough it's tempting at times - and things tend to get a bit rocky. Before we leave the house manic cleaning of the kitchen has to occur, last minute bathroom breaks, searches for lost wallets just to name a few.
As a result we're going to have a late start leaving the house and as a domino-effect our daily routine i
s out the window. The afternoon will be hell and/or Fred starts to free-style the girls naptime and puts Heidi to bed when it's not the right time and the same result - an unbareable afternoon.

Family life and motherhood is hard and I wish we could live closer to our families and get a bit of help when we need a break.
Eventhough I have been quite negative in this blog doesn't mean that Im not having the best little girls ever and the best husband ever. I wouldn't change it for anything!