To be able to stay at home, full time with your kids is a great thing and can be wonderful. If you don't have the choice to stay at home, due to financial or practical constraints, you'll probably do anything to be able to, and if you have the choice to stay at home you may find yourself looking for any activity to get some adult interaction without the kids around. How is it that what ever you are presented with, you're never entirely satisfied? You may now think: It's just you not being satisfied. But I'd say: No, it's everyone! It's the stress of my generation!

When I meet my stay-at-home-housewife-friends and we are all the same. We always talk about how much we want re-join the workforce without actually realising that our children will only be little for a short period of time and then when we least expect it, we will be packing school lunches and ironing school uniforms and then regretting not having just enjoyed the fact that we don't have to work and can give our children 100% of our time.
How is it that my generation is so focused on persuing a carrier and not being able to relax for a few years?
It is expected that when you have dedicated years of your life getting your university degree and then years to climb the professional-ladder and to then 'quit' the life you know to dedicate all your time to take care of your family and be 'a good wife'.
Being a housewife doesn't sit that well with me. Im not particulary good at it, don't really enjoy it and Im not even sure that I do my best all the time. In the role as mum, I do my very best all the time. I don't necessarily enjoy going to playgroups and 'sing-a-long-time' at the library but I do it. For my kids. I want Heidi and Chloe to have the best upbringing that I can give them and I believe that staying at home with them it the way to go. Therefor I have parked any ideas part-time work for the moment just hoping that I can appreciate, be greatful to my fortunate situation and stop complaining. :)
Btw, Chloe took 3 steps today which is something I probably would have missed out on if I had been working. These little things are priceless and can never be experienced again.:)

La mamaxx