The kitchen renovation is really underway now and hopefully next week I'll have some before/after photos to share.
Tomorrow Im meeting with a recruiter to discuss a potential part-time office manager role. Im quite nervious this time because now Im not sure if it's a good thing for me to return to the workforce. It doesn't hurt meet with them and get the details. Maybe it's a great opportunity. I'll keep you informed :)
The older the kids get the less time I have for anything but the kids. (so maybe the job thing is a bit of an over-kill?) I never expected it to be as full-on as it is at the moment. I want to be a good mum and active parent and do things with them all the time but it is really exhausting! Maybe it's the age but I'm trying to think: Im not old - Im awesome!!
Ciao my friends
Yes, you're awsome!!!
Kul att du börjat blogga igen. Vi längtar efter er nu.
Frida, you are a very very good mum.
Keep out. The girls will gro up and then you will miss their fights.
Love you Drouin family.
Grand mum Cathrine
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