Welcome to our family Chloe!!
Chloe was born at 10.42 am on Thursday the 12th of November at St John of Gods hospital in Subiaco. 3542 g and 49 cm almost exactly the same as Heidi: 3500g and 49 cm.

She was one loud baby entering the world. Crying a lot and loudly. All healthy though.
The surgery went really well but I was so nervious this time. Not sure why really but I just was. Fred tried to make me feel better by saying stupid stuff. All the doctors and nurses were laughing and I was to druged out too get angry with him :)

Heidi met her new baby sister two days after her arrival and Heidi wouldn't leave her alone. She was sooooo proud!
I hadn't seen Heidi in a few days and I was hoping she would run towards me and give me a big hug but she was like: 'Wazz up mum' and ran off to see Chloe.
Chloe is a lot like Heidi, sounds like her and moves just like her. I think she looks a bit like Heidi too but most newborns looks a like. Little aliens with mullets :) Chloe doesn't know the difference between night and day yet so she's been up a lot at night. Taking care of a newbie is tougher than I remembered it to be!

Now were back from the hospital. I had to spend 5 days there because of the cesarean. Fred is staying home with us until my mom and Stellan arrives next week. My doctor has ordered me a lot of rest and to not lift heavy things for the next weeks, until the wound is a bit more healed.

After the first day at home with 2 kids has been a bit overwhealming. Just getting used to knowing where both kids are. All of a sudden when playing with Heidi I seem to have forgotten about Chloe: Where is she. Where did I last see her?? Oh yes, that's

right she's sleeping in the pram... Pew. All kids are accounted for :)
Fred did famously taking care of Heidi when I was at the hospital. He's a Super-dad!!! Playing with her, teaching her stuff (both good and bad), taking her to the pool and gives her all of his attention. AND on top of this he cooks and cleans the house so it shines. Lets just face it, he's the perfect wife!!! :) He's gonna be a tough act to follow when he goes back to work.

Thank you for the lovely flowers and pressies that was sent to us and the visits at the hospital
Lots of love
Heidi, Chloe, Mum and Dad