I didn't have a 'tantrum of the week' to write about last time but now I have a total parential confusion-story to share..
Heidi has always been a bit rough with other kids and doesn't understand the concept of sharing yet. To try to address this behaviour we are using 'time-out' for her to understand when she has done something wrong.
At our house, we haven't found a good 'naughty corner' to put her in so for the time being, when we have to use 'timeout' we are putting her in her cot in her room. Not a great spot because but that's what it is at the moment.
So, on Sunday afternoon Heidi's friend Izzy came over with her mum to play. Izzy always stands up for herself so usually there are no issues when they play but this time Heidi started to push her and run her over with her pram or her toy-car as soon as she thought Julia and I weren't watching.
Heidi got a warning and then it happend again so I put her in timeout. After 2 minutes Im supposed to go and get her, talk to her and explain what she had done and she was supposed to apologise. BUT, when I went into her room to get her, she had fallen asleep!!!! So much for me trying to try some parenting and disipline her... Go figure!!
All and all, we have had an amazing 20 months getting to know Heidi and becoming our own little family and we cannot wait to meet the new little addition.

Fin blogg och fantastiskt fina pics Frida! Ser fram emot att se lilla 2an så småningom! Kram, Erika
Heidi understands the concept of sharing, just like Ava understands the concept of sharing. It's just that they don't want to do it because they want to keep their toys to themselves. Or in Ava's case, take Heidi's toys and keep them to herself. Ava knows how to share and can do so when she wants to, but strictly on her terms, otherwise it's tantrum time and time to pick a fight with mummy or daddy.
ps. Congratulations on Chloe!
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