The 1st week at home from the hospital has passed by with warp speed. Everything is in a bit of a haze and I just try to keep the kids happy (and alive) and try to eat and rest myself whenever I can.
Chloe is sleeping ok at night. She's up about twice to feed every night and it could have been so much worse. The only problem is that Fred and I haven't had any interupted sleep since Heidi was about 6 months so we're not used to getti
ng up in the middle of the night. Talk about going back to square 1.
The swedes arrived on Monday and will stay with us for 3 weeks. It's great fo
r me to get some help, specially with Heidi so she still gets attention and I can focus on sorting out Chloe with feeds and other newbie stuff.
I haven't noticed much jelousy from Heidi and so far she has been very nice and loving to her baby sister. She even shares her toys! Can you believe it! You who know Heidi well knows that sharing is not her strongest suit....
Love from Perth
and Fred is taking the male Swedes to make our own brew (beer)
Nice! Love the pic of Heidi's new outfit as a Santa helper, sooo cute!!
Miss ya all! Say hi to the swedes for me pls! xxx
I'm really happy that every thing go well with CHloé and Heidi.
Nice picture.
love to all of you
salut ma petite famille,
Vraiment contente de constater que tout va bien pour vous.
Maintenant que vous avez de l'aide le repos s'en vient.
love xxxx
Une belle maman, une belle grand-maman, 2 belles petites filles.....que demander de mieux, elles sont toutes réunies sous le même toit. Vous êtes vraiment chanceuses d'être ensemble, profitez-en au maximum. Grosses bises à vous toutes.
Grand-Maman Diane
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