Today we went to our new house to do the final inspection. In the car going there I was a bit worried that we would enter the house and go: what the hell were we thinking!
Luckily that didn't happen! Pew! It was actually better than I remembered it to be :)
I loooove the house!! We all love it!! There are a few things I would like to change down the track, rip out bathrooms and kitchen, change the flooring in the living room, paint all the walls, you know the standard stuff. But its ok for now and nothing is really urgent... and I don't want Fred to have another stress-attack so I don't mind leaving it for a year or so.
It would be so fun to move in now! Maybe it would have been good with a bigger garden for the kids to run around in but I think we'll be fine. The courtyard and drive way is big and as long as we are with the kids by the pool,there is a huge area to play there too.
So, Heidi's new thing is to call out: Oh nooooo! - really upset and disappointed... for anything! Just spilling a bit of water on herself, finding something out of place on the floor or just anything. She even says it in her sleep when she's dreaming.
I had a think about what it could come from and I think it comes from 'Dora the Explorer', this cartoon Heidi likes. Dora is always out on adventures and when things go wrong she goes 'oh nooo'. It has to be that or maybe Heidi is copying Freds obsessive/compulsive behaviour around the house. He's going 'Oh nooooo!' when the house is not spick and span all the time. Who knows? One thing is for sure though: Heidi is tidying up and classifying all the time, just like her dad. It is really in her genes. (from him obviously) She's his little helper and both of them are loving it. I just hope both of them will give me a break about not being as tidy as them :) 
The Drouinsxx
Såååå fint/fina. Både huset och ni!
Kram mormor
You are very lucky: your new house is beautiful and it seems to have a lot of space. Congradulations and I wish you a lot of happiness in this place.......JUST 2 DAYS AND THE LITTLE CHLOE WILL BE THERE....HOURRA!!!!
Bisous, bisous,
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