Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1st week at home

The 1st week at home from the hospital has passed by with warp speed. Everything is in a bit of a haze and I just try to keep the kids happy (and alive) and try to eat and rest myself whenever I can.

Chloe is sleeping ok at night. She's up about twice to feed every night and it could have been so much worse. The only problem is that Fred and I haven't had any interupted sleep since Heidi was about 6 months so we're not used to getting up in the middle of the night. Talk about going back to square 1.

The swedes arrived on Monday and will stay with us for 3 weeks. It's great for me to get some help, specially with Heidi so she still gets attention and I can focus on sorting out Chloe with feeds and other newbie stuff.
I haven't noticed much jelousy from Heidi and so far she has been very nice and loving to her baby sister. She even shares her toys! Can you believe it! You who know Heidi well knows that sharing is not her strongest suit....

Now we're off to Cottesloe beach to have lunch and the rest of the weekend - just chilling out.
Love from Perth

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chloe Diane Drouin

Welcome to our family Chloe!!

Chloe was born at 10.42 am on Thursday the 12th of November at St John of Gods hospital in Subiaco. 3542 g and 49 cm almost exactly the same as Heidi: 3500g and 49 cm.

She was one loud baby entering the world. Crying a lot and loudly. All healthy though.

The surgery went really well but I was so nervious this time. Not sure why really but I just was. Fred tried to make me feel better by saying stupid stuff. All the doctors and nurses were laughing and I was to druged out too get angry with him :)

Heidi met her new baby sister two days after her arrival and Heidi wouldn't leave her alone. She was sooooo proud!

I hadn't seen Heidi in a few days and I was hoping she would run towards me and give me a big hug but she was like: 'Wazz up mum' and ran off to see Chloe.

Chloe is a lot like Heidi, sounds like her and moves just like her. I think she looks a bit like Heidi too but most newborns looks a like. Little aliens with mullets :) Chloe doesn't know the difference between night and day yet so she's been up a lot at night. Taking care of a newbie is tougher than I remembered it to be!

Now were back from the hospital. I had to spend 5 days there because of the cesarean. Fred is staying home with us until my mom and Stellan arrives next week. My doctor has ordered me a lot of rest and to not lift heavy things for the next weeks, until the wound is a bit more healed.

After the first day at home with 2 kids has been a bit overwhealming. Just getting used to knowing where both kids are. All of a sudden when playing with Heidi I seem to have forgotten about Chloe: Where is she. Where did I last see her?? Oh yes, that's right she's sleeping in the pram... Pew. All kids are accounted for :)

Fred did famously taking care of Heidi when I was at the hospital. He's a Super-dad!!! Playing with her, teaching her stuff (both good and bad), taking her to the pool and gives her all of his attention. AND on top of this he cooks and cleans the house so it shines. Lets just face it, he's the perfect wife!!! :) He's gonna be a tough act to follow when he goes back to work.

Thank you for the lovely flowers and pressies that was sent to us and the visits at the hospital
Lots of love
Heidi, Chloe, Mum and Dad

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Parental confusion

This is the last blog-entry before the big Chloe-day so I though I'd write a Heidi-blog and add some of the older photos and videos from her 20months to date.

I didn't have a 'tantrum of the week' to write about last time but now I have a total parential confusion-story to share..

Heidi has always been a bit rough with other kids and doesn't understand the concept of sharing yet. To try to address this behaviour we are using 'time-out' for her to understand when she has done something wrong.

At our house, we haven't found a good 'naughty corner' to put her in so for the time being, when we have to use 'timeout' we are putting her in her cot in her room. Not a great spot because but that's what it is at the moment.

So, on Sunday afternoon Heidi's friend Izzy came over with her mum to play. Izzy always stands up for herself so usually there are no issues when they play but this time Heidi started to push her and run her over with her pram or her toy-car as soon as she thought Julia and I weren't watching.

Heidi got a warning and then it happend again so I put her in timeout. After 2 minutes Im supposed to go and get her, talk to her and explain what she had done and she was supposed to apologise. BUT, when I went into her room to get her, she had fallen asleep!!!! So much for me trying to try some parenting and disipline her... Go figure!!

All and all, we have had an amazing 20 months getting to know Heidi and becoming our own little family and we cannot wait to meet the new little addition.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our new house - Its the best!!

Today we went to our new house to do the final inspection. In the car going there I was a bit worried that we would enter the house and go: what the hell were we thinking!

Luckily that didn't happen! Pew! It was actually better than I remembered it to be :)

I loooove the house!! We all love it!! There are a few things I would like to change down the track, rip out bathrooms and kitchen, change the flooring in the living room, paint all the walls, you know the standard stuff. But its ok for now and nothing is really urgent... and I don't want Fred to have another stress-attack so I don't mind leaving it for a year or so.

It would be so fun to move in now! Maybe it would have been good with a bigger garden for the kids to run around in but I think we'll be fine. The courtyard and drive way is big and as long as we are with the kids by the pool,there is a huge area to play there too.
So, Heidi's new thing is to call out: Oh nooooo! - really upset and disappointed... for anything! Just spilling a bit of water on herself, finding something out of place on the floor or just anything. She even says it in her sleep when she's dreaming.

I had a think about what it could come from and I think it comes from 'Dora the Explorer', this cartoon Heidi likes. Dora is always out on adventures and when things go wrong she goes 'oh nooo'. It has to be that or maybe Heidi is copying Freds obsessive/compulsive behaviour around the house. He's going 'Oh nooooo!' when the house is not spick and span all the time. Who knows? One thing is for sure though: Heidi is tidying up and classifying all the time, just like her dad. It is really in her genes. (from him obviously) She's his little helper and both of them are loving it. I just hope both of them will give me a break about not being as tidy as them :)

Here are some fresh photos of me and my tummy from today. Only a few days from the arrival and now when my bloodpressure is back to normal and the migranes are gone, I just look forward to meeting little Chloe or Clouuwweee. Thats what Heidi calls her. Too cute!

Peace out!
The Drouinsxx

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bye bye my friends

Hi everyone!

This weekend was so much fun! We had our best friends staying with us before they left Australia on Tuesday to start a new life in Sweden.

Heidi and Noah have so much fun playing togheter and now it was almost like christmas for them, seeing eachother all day long for days!

Today is the day after they left and the first thing Heidi said when she woke up was: Noah! , and she pointed upstairs where he used to sleep. Heartbreaking... Guys, we'll miss you so much!!!!
It's good that Heidi will have Chloe to meet next week and then Granny Cathrin and Stellan will come to visit so she will be busy :)
On a different note, Heidi's tantrum of the week... Her new thing is to always wear a pair of shoes.
She was given a pair of bright red sandals with little diamonds on, and Heidi cannot be without these shoes. When it's naptime, she wears them. Event when we go to the pool she wants to wear them. She has a few other pairs of shoes and if she cant find the red ones, that would create drama, but then she takes a different pair. In other words she has already developed a shoe-fettish!!
She also has a tiny little green handbag that she got from granny Cathrin and she loves to carry this little thing around and freaks out if someone else touches it.
It so funny to see how these girly things are a part of her genes because she is a girl. I mean Noah couldn't care less about shoes and handbags :)
Today it's 8 days left until Chloe arrives. I have got the time of the ceasarean confirmed so you have to think of us at 9.30am next Thursday the 12th.
The doctors are saying that they expect Chloe to be bigger that Heidi was (3.5kg) so feel free to start the betting :)
The Drouins in waiting....
This is a farewell-video from Heidi to Noah